In 1990, as head of the Dietary Service of Sant'Orsola Hospital FBF in Brescia, I collaborated in the creation of the new kitchen, which ranked second in the National Award Carlo de Felice for sanitary structural excellence of facilities and equipment. The prize was awarded by (FARE) economists and supervisors commission.
Consequently, I was entrusted with the supervision of two hospital kitchens (Erba and S. Colombano), renovated at that time by the Fatebenefratelli Congregation. In 1997, I was awarded the first Prize for the creation of a new organizational model for the catering service of S. Orsola hospital. The prize was awarded by ADI (Associazione Italiana di Dietetica e Nutrizione Clinica) within the framework of the Conference "Dietetic services towards 2000 ..." The model was also adopted by other Fatebenefratelli hospitals in Veneto and Lombardy.
From 2003 to 2011 I worked at the Henry Chenot Vitality Spa at the Albereta estate in Erbusco (Brescia) participating in the creation of detoxification diets, thus acquiring deeper knowledge about the Natural Diet based on ancient Chinese medicine.
Since 2007 to 2015I’ve been working at the Still Osteopathic Clinics, where principles of natural medicine are followed. Thanks to this collaboration, I have gained even more experience and knowledge about the self-healing power given to our body by a healthy diet. In 2012, I was appointed by Multicatering SpA to cooperate in the realization of the project "healthy nutrition" for the employees of a labor camp in Kazakhstan, providing brochures about correct nutritional practices and seasonal menus with recipes.
From 2012 to 2014 has created commissioned by Multicatering SpA in collaboration with the medical staff ERSAI, the project Healthy Nutrition "Factor H Plan" or a nutritional plan for chronic disease prevention and the reduction of absenteeism due to illness for employees a large working area ENI in Kazakhstan. It has provided assistance on the spot, made leaflets, new healthy menu to suit multicultural subjects, as well as specific recipes seasonal.
Since 1977 to 2014I have taught in regional schools for professional nurses (Paola di Rosa, Umberto I and Candia) and vocational training centers in Brescia, Verolonuova and Rivoltella del Garda.
Currently he receives guests at his Studio dieticians Carraro Vicolo delle Nottole No 8 in Brescia